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How To Apply For Prorate Plates

October 11, 2022 admin_pioneer No Comments

How To Apply For Prorate Plates

If you are planning to apply for prorate plates, which are also known as commercial truck plates., you want to know how you could start the process, especially if you’re planning to do everything on your own.

To help you out in applying for prorate plates, we have listed down some of the many things that you would be required to do so you can get your commercial truck plates



Get Prorate Plates Or Commercial Truck Plates With These Two Easy To Follow Steps

Here are some of the many things that you need to do  if you want to get a commercial truck plate: 

Apply For A Prorate Account

The first thing that you need to do is apply for a prorate account, where you will be asked to send or upload a number of completed documents to the ICBC Prorate Office.

Here is a list of all the things that you need to do and the documents that you need to send to the ICBC Prorate Office: 

  • Register with the Registrar of Companies in Victoria, British Columbia if you’re applying under a company or a firm name. 
  • Have a NSC (National Safety Code) Certificate. 
  • Get a British Columbia International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) number if you are operating vehicles that weigh over 11,800 kilograms or vehicles that have three axles regardless of their weight. 

Please do note that it is possible that it can take up to 21 days to receive your IFTA credentials from the Ministry of Finance. 

For more information about the IFTA credentials, you can call IFTA at 250-387-9686 or email FuelTax@gov.bc.ca. 

You will be asked to fill up these following questionnaires and applications: 

Things To Do After Getting The Prorate Account

Once you get your prorate account, you want to contact an Autoplan Broker so that you can get your insurance and prorate plates.

Remember, you are required to have the Prorate Optional Coverage Questionnaire and other documents to obtain a new quote for the Optional ICBC Insurance and may be requested for existing prorate renewals. 

Hire US 

If you want to get professional guidance and help when applying for commercial truck plates in Canada, you want to hire us. We can guide you and help you out in the entire process so that you can save time, money and resources at the same time.