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Tag: Safety & Compliance

The Importance of Safety & Compliance for Truckers in Canada

Trucking plays a vital role in Canada’s economy, with countless goods transported across vast distances. In this industry, safety and compliance are paramount. Truckers must prioritize these aspects to protect themselves, other road users, and their businesses. But why? Why should truckers prioritize safety? This article highlights the importance of safety and compliance for truckers […]

Why are Prorate Plates Important for Commercial Vehicles?

Prorate Plates are basically for those commercial vehicles that travel to various jurisdictions to deliver goods and services. Knowing this, truckers usually get interested in getting the prorate plates service registered by availing of authentic prorate services from a reliable company. But even after knowing about the use of plates, truckers still get confused about […]

The Benefits Of Choosing Pioneer Trucking Solutions For Commercial Truck Plates In Canada

In the Canadian trucking industry, obtaining proper commercial truck plates is crucial for operating legally and efficiently. But how exactly can truckers get or obtain commercial trucking plates?  One option is by hiring a professional services provider that can do the entire process for you.  If you’re in Calgary, you should be partnering up with […]

5 Tips For Staying Safe On The Road: A Guide for Truckers

As a trucker, you’re an essential part of the economy, transporting goods across the country and keeping businesses running smoothly.  But with great responsibility comes great risk, as navigating the highways and byways of Canada can be a perilous task. From hazardous weather conditions to distracted drivers, countless dangers can threaten your safety on the […]

5 Silly Mistakes That People Make While Buying Insurance

Everyone knows that life is really unpredictable! So, people get themselves insured by the top insurance companies in Calgary to provide protection to their families. This is because by insuring them, they provide their family with the ability to handle all their financial expenses if the unexpected happens.    But still, while buying insurance policies, […]

February 15, 2023 admin_pioneer No Comments

What Are Electronic Log Books For Trucking?

In today’s fast-paced and regulated trucking industry, tracking the hours of service (HOS) of commercial truck drivers and vehicles is a critical task. But the good thing is that electronic log books, or e-logs, have revolutionized the way the trucking industry manages and monitors HOS, providing a reliable and cost-effective solution for ensuring compliance with […]

Top 3 Reasons Why Electronic Logbook Maintenance Is Important

An electronic logbook automatically collects data on driver status from previously recorded paper duty status records (RODS). Electronic logbooks keep accurate records of vehicle operations and driver actions. The following details must be recorded in electronic logbooks: Date Time Location Hours on the engine Mileage on a vehicle Identification of the driver Well, Electronic Log […]