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The Benefits of E-Log Services for Trucking Business 

E-Log services
November 20, 2024 admin_pioneer No Comments

The Benefits of E-Log Services for Trucking Business 

Many things have revolutionized the trucking industry, and one such thing is Electronic Logbooks (ELDs). Using these digital device services may appear to be confusing for drivers or fleet managers in the beginning, but once they begin using them, they benefit in every way.

Availing e log services has always offered multiple benefits that save you time, effort and money.

The major benefit of your service is reduced hectic paperwork. For fleet managers, it has now become easy to recognize drivers’ good work, all thanks to services offered by ELDs. Read this article until the end to learn what major benefits these services can offer.

E-Log services

1. The best thing is now no need to maintain a register, papers and documents

Say goodbye to files, registers and papers that drivers need to carry with them to maintain their records. You can now save your time as you need to track your data by writing with a pen on paper.

The services related to E-logs or ELDs will help you by automatically recording time from the beginning of a driver’s shift to the end. It lets you monitor driving and working hours. 

Drivers can review their logbooks when their shift ends and can easily sign off on the recorded data. Maintaining records through ELD also ensures that every detail that gets recorded automatically is accurate. The fleet manager can make accurate payments to the drivers according to their accurate working hours.

2 It allows drivers to maintain their on-road inspection and trip check records

The other advantage that drivers prevail over services related to E-log is to easily streamline pre and post-trip checks. ELD devices include a digital checklist, which helps drivers review their checks. This helps them identify any discrepancies or errors in the data, which they can then report to senior managers for further review and resolution.

Following this system for ELDs saves the time of drivers that they usually spend on checks. This service helps track vehicle performance and instantly transfers data to the maintenance department if drivers detect any issues with their vehicles.

3. This service also promotes enhanced driver safety

One of the important things for fleets is to ensure their drivers’ safety. Every driver needs to feel safe on the road. If drivers know about their unsafe driving behaviour, it will improve their safety. Services offered through Electronic logbooks help in automatically recording data related to driver speed, sudden braking and other things. This data helps drivers to work on their driving behaviour and improve their safety.

This data can be used by the fleet manager to organize a driver training program in which they can educate drivers to work on certain things that may better their driving.

4. It allows fleets to know which drivers are performing well

When accurate data about drivers’ regular driving, regular checks, on-time attendance and other things are available, then it makes it easier for fleet managers to analyze everything about the driving behaviour of drivers.

With just one click on the electronic devices screen, complete data about best safety performance, lowest fuel cost and lowest idle times can be accessed. Through this data, fleets can appreciate the driver with the best performance record and can award them yearly or quarterly. This boosts another driver to perform better, eventually improving your fleet service.

Who needs to use E-log services?

Drivers working under the fleet need to use e-log services. Fleet shares that if an individual has eight or more days of driving activity within a 30-day period, they are required to use an Electronic Logging Device (ELD) to record their duty status, as per federal regulations.

Last Words!

At the beginning truck drivers may feel hesitant to use e log services, but as they begin learning about its benefits they will love everything it offers. This feature or service has always helped drivers to improve their driving and performance. 


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