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The Biggest IRP Plates Mistakes Every Beginner Makes

September 11, 2023 admin_pioneer No Comments

The Biggest IRP Plates Mistakes Every Beginner Makes

IRP plates known as the International Registration Plan are a lifeline for trucking companies operating across lines. IRP plates are basically a truck registration reciprocity agreement between the United States and Canadian provinces that facilitates apportioned payments of registration fees based on the total distance operated in participating jurisdictions.

Every new trucker must get IRP plate registration to make their business compliant and successful. However, some truckers don’t know enough about this particular trucking regulation and often make mistakes in acquiring these plates. Here in this blog, we will share with you the biggest mistakes truckers generally make in registering for IRP plates. 

Let’s have a look 

  • Missing Renewal Deadlines 

The annual renewal of IRP plates is one of the most important features. Heavy fines, penalties, or even the suspension of your license plates might occur if you don’t renew them on time. It’s common for newcomers to forget this crucial thing to do but is a big mistake if you don’t do such. Set reminders far in advance of your renewal deadline and give renewing your IRP plates top priority to prevent making this error.


  • Inaccurate Mileage Reporting 

For an accurate determination of your IRP fees, accurate mileage reporting is necessary. Beginners could downplay its significance and provide misleading or incomplete mileage reports. Maintain current records, and always double-check the figures to prevent discrepancies that can result in compliance problems.

  • Not Keeping Detailed Reports 

Newcomers might not completely see the significance of keeping thorough records of their fleet, mileage, and IRP transactions. Keeping organized records is essential for audits as well as accurate reporting. To prevent problems later, establish a record-keeping system now.

  • Failure to Communicate Changes 

When there are any potential changes in your fleet, business structure, or anything else, then one has to inform the relevant authorities about that change. Failing to provide these changes to the authorities is a blunder because that would break compliance. So, always promptly update the information about your IRP plates to the regulating authorities for upkeep compliance. 

  • Not taking Expert Advice 

Beginners may make the mistake of attempting to handle the intricate world of IRP plates and interstate trucking rules all by themselves. Consulting experts with knowledge of IRP compliance can be extremely beneficial. To be sure you’re on the correct route, think about speaking with a legal specialist who focuses on the trucking sector.


Concluding Thoughts 

Hence, these are some of the biggest mistakes novice truckers commit when they register for the IRP plates. So, it’s important to always remain aware and updated about the latest regulations and requirements for these plates as is it the basic necessity for a successful trucking business. By successfully learning from these mistakes and not repeating them, one can become a professional and compliant trucker. For availing of the top-tier IRP plates registration services, contact Pioneer Trucking Solutions in Calgary.