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What Are the Things to Know About IRP Plates?

January 17, 2023 admin_pioneer No Comments

What Are the Things to Know About IRP Plates?

International Registration Plan (IRP) is mainly an agreement between certain provinces and states that usually focuses on distributing commercial vehicle fees on the basis of distance traveled. The main benefit of this plan is that the vehicles can travel between various provinces and states through one registration document and IRP plates. This registration plan is important for those travelers and vehicles who have to travel to various places. 


How does IRP registration Work?

This registration plan works in such a way that firstly the registration fee needs to be paid by the registrant in one jurisdiction. After that, they receive IRP plates and cab cards from that specific jurisdiction. The received cab cards must have a list of all those jurisdiction places where the specific vehicle can operate or travel. Other than this, the fee that is availing by the registrant under this plan is divided or calculated on the basis of the percentage of fleeting miles that the vehicle traveled in the specific jurisdiction.



Who can register for IRP plates?

This registration of IRP is important for those vehicles and travelers who have to travel outside Calgary or other states. Other than this fact, more facts need to be considered by the travelers through which their registration for IRP plates will become convenient.

Following is the information provided about a few of those vehicles that can register for the International Registration Plan.

  • Vehicles with Farm Plates: Some jurisdictions want the farm vehicles to operate for them and perform their work. So, the farm vehicles having license plates from the same place need to be careful as they have to register and pay for the IRP plan to get their license plates to travel outside. Instead of this, the farm vehicles that have license plates outside Calgary need not purchase the IRP plan.

  • Tow Trucks: These trucks are usually used to carry heavy vehicles outside the state and city. So, for these trucks, there is an important need to register for their plan as these usually carry heavy-weight objects and goods outside the provinces and states. These trucks can register for the IRP plan by estimating the gross weight and total heavy weight that can be carried.  

So, if you are thinking about applying for IRP plates, Pioneer Trucking Solutions is the name that you can trust.