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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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December 1, 2022 admin_pioneer No Comments

Untold Facts About International Fuel Tax Agreement

Since the governments across the world are adopting far more disciplinary approach than usual, legal compliance has become a part and parcel in every walk of life. Similarly, when it comes to transportation & fleet management, this approach has persuaded the authorities to exercise a better control on trucking and fuel taxation too. This is […]

November 2, 2022 admin_pioneer No Comments

Your Ultimate Guide to E-Logs and Elds

Trucking is, undoubtedly, a lucrative business in Canada. So, to earn huge chunks of money, truckers generally choose to work overtime, which is perilous for both truckers’ well-being and those on the road. To avoid the exploitation of trucking as a skill, the concept of ELDs and E-logging was introduced back in 2017 in Canada. […]

November 1, 2022 admin_pioneer No Comments

What Is An Electronic Logging Device

A lot of people that are trying to avail e-logs and elds solutions Calgary end up wondering what an Electronic Logging Device is, and if you’re one of the many that are trying to know what it is, you came to the right place.  Below, we have created an article that would properly explain what […]

October 26, 2022 admin_pioneer No Comments

Top 5 Demerits of Not Having Commercial Truck Plates

Fresher in the trucking business in Canada are generally unaware of the repercussions of not getting commercial truck plates for their goods carrier. However, what they are generally unaware of, is the effects that this may have on their business.  Considering the need of educating the truckers’ community, Pioneer Trucking Solutions® explains a few of […]