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Top 3 Reasons Why Electronic Logbook Maintenance Is Important

Top 3 Reasons Why Electronic Logbook Maintenance Is Important

An electronic logbook automatically collects data on driver status from previously recorded paper duty status records (RODS). Electronic logbooks keep accurate records of vehicle operations and driver actions.

The following details must be recorded in electronic logbooks:

  • Date
  • Time
  • Location
  • Hours on the engine
  • Mileage on a vehicle
  • Identification of the driver

Well, Electronic Log Book Review is compulsory legal compliance that is mandatory.  And, there are many reasons why electronic logbook maintenance is important, 3 of which are discussed below:


  1. Electronic logging systems help transportation businesses save money and time by cutting expenditures and enhancing production. When adopting an electronic logbook, the driver may spend more time driving and less time filling out paperwork or waiting at inspection stations. It can also reduce the need for unanticipated maintenance and unnecessary cars.


  1. Internal communication is improved by using an electronic notebook. Prior to the advent of automated logbooks, most businesses required check calls to be made by drivers and dispatchers. Effective ELD systems plot a driver’s location on a map, allowing the office to monitor the driver’s safety and estimated arrival time without having to call the driver. This exact position data is particularly useful in contesting claims made by shippers and receivers that a driver was delayed when they were not.



  1. In the following methods, electronic logging may assist fleet firms in increasing efficiency and profitability:
  • Capture data automatically, saving hours of duty time spent filling out logs rather than driving. The automatic data recording reduces paperwork mistakes dramatically.

  • Vehicle inspections are made easier since data is displayed on the gadget for Department of Transportation officials to observe. It can also be delivered electronically for quicker and easier processing.

  • By automatically monitoring hours of service (HOS) and sending driver reminders before these hours are exceeded, it assists in the prevention of infractions and saves money in terms of penalties and potential insurance rate reductions.

  • Vehicle data monitoring can assist in streamlining maintenance scheduling and sending out trouble alerts to prevent equipment failure before it occurs.

Having said that it becomes very important to go for an electronic log book review. So, get your electronic log book reviewed by experts at Pioneer Trucking Solutions, Calgary, Canada so that you can protect yourself from being penalized.

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