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Top 5 Demerits of Not Having Commercial Truck Plates

truck insurance
October 26, 2022 admin_pioneer No Comments

Top 5 Demerits of Not Having Commercial Truck Plates

Fresher in the trucking business in Canada are generally unaware of the repercussions of not getting commercial truck plates for their goods carrier. However, what they are generally unaware of, is the effects that this may have on their business. 

Considering the need of educating the truckers’ community, Pioneer Trucking Solutions® explains a few of the major consequences of not getting commercial truck plates for your commercial vehicle.


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#1 You Will Not Be Able To Carry Heavy Loads

As per the rule and regulations set by Transport Canada for the truckers for their legal and easy operation, every type of load has different kinds of legal obligations that are to be fulfilled. For instance, for carrying heavier loads, every trucker is supposed to have commercial truck plates and a valid commercial license without which he cannot legally carry the heavy load commercially.

#2 You Can Get Penalized For Violating The Traffic Rules

Those who ignore or fail to oblige, are subjected to penalties which could be a really hefty amount. Other legal actions taken by authorities can include suspension of license, and seizure of goods. Therefore, it is highly recommended for every trucker to get a commercial truck plate issued for his next long-haul fleet.

#3 It Reduces Your Reliability In The Industry

Not having commercial truck plates would directly mean that you are not a responsible trucker which would put a bad impact on your market reputation and would challenge the reliability of your business.

#4 Affects your business

This would directly or indirectly affect your business adversely. This is mainly because when your company will not have a good reputation in the market, you would get let contracts and this would directly affect your revenue.


Bottom Line:

If you too are a trucker and didn’t know about all this, you should apply for commercial truck plates. To apply them more conveniently, feel free to reach us. We are always happy to do more.

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