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Untold Facts About International Fuel Tax Agreement

Fuel tax agreement
December 1, 2022 admin_pioneer No Comments

Untold Facts About International Fuel Tax Agreement

Since the governments across the world are adopting far more disciplinary approach than usual, legal compliance has become a part and parcel in every walk of life. Similarly, when it comes to transportation & fleet management, this approach has persuaded the authorities to exercise a better control on trucking and fuel taxation too.

This is the main reason behind the birth of IFTA. Well, for your kind information, the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) was established to make it easier to collect and distribute fuel taxes across 48 US states and ten Canadian province. While Alaska, the District of Columbia, and Hawaii are exempt from this requirement, they are present across Canada. A quarterly tax report is sent by IFTA after gathering all the fuel information. Understanding net tax, due refunds, and the transfer of taxes from collecting to due states can be beneficial.


Fuel tax agreement


There are certain facts that people are not aware of, especially about IFTA. Therefore, Pioneer Trucking®, the biggest provider of IFTA services in Calgary brings to you the list of untold facts about it.


  • IFTA Is Applicable In 48 provinces in the US & 10 Provinces In Canada

The following member jurisdictions accept your credentials under the International Fuel Tax Agreement:


United States

  1. Alabama 2. Arizona 3. Arkansas 4. California 5. Colorado 6. Connecticut   7. Delaware   8. Florida      9. Georgia 10. Idaho 11.  Illinois 12. Indiana 13. Iowa            14. Kansas   15. Kentucky  16. Louisiana 17. Maine 18. Maryland 19. Massachusetts 20. Michigan   21. Minnesota 22. Mississippi       23. Missouri 24. Montana   25. Nebraska   26. Nevada 27. New Hampshire 28. New Jersey      29. New Mexico   30. New York 31. North Carolina 32. North Dakota   33. Ohio 34. Oklahoma     35. Oregon   36. Pennsylvania     37. Rhode Island 38. South Carolina      39. South Dakota    40. Tennessee       41. Texas   42. Utah     43.  Vermont   44. Virginia 45.  Washington     46. West Virginia     47. Wisconsin      48. Wyoming


Canadian Provinces

  1. Alberta 2. British Columbia 3. Manitoba   4. New Brunswick   5. Newfoundland     6. Nova Scotia     7. Ontario

       8. Prince Edward Island         9.Quebec      10. Saskatchewan


  • Only Inter-State Fuel Consumption Has To Be Reported

Under the IFTA, carriers are simply required to inform their base state of their interjurisdictional fuel usage. The state will take care of processing fuel tax returns, collecting taxes on net fuel usage, and distributing the money to all other states. Through routine audits, the base state is also in charge of enforcing compliance.


  • There are penalties too for non-compliance

A carrier has 30 days to fulfill the criteria after failing to submit a quarterly IFTA return before their license is suspended. Penalties for late payments are $50 or 10% of the entire amount owed in taxes, whatever is superior.


Do you need help regarding the IFTA compliance?

We provide unrivalled and super-reliable IFTA services that would help you be IFTA complaint all round the clock so that you don’t have to face a penalty. So, contact us for any further information. We are always there to help you with your queries.