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Your Ultimate Guide to NSC Audit

February 9, 2023 admin_pioneer No Comments

Your Ultimate Guide to NSC Audit

What does NSC stand for?

The National Safety Code (NSC) is a collection of 16 standards created in conjunction with the motor carrier industry by CCMTA member jurisdictions to promote road safety and the safe and efficient transportation of persons and commodities across Canada.

When transportation was deregulated in the late 1980s, there was a demand for cross-Canada consistency and reciprocity in commercial vehicle management. The federal, provincial, and territorial Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety signed a memorandum of understanding in 1987 to develop and implement a National Safety Code or NSC audit to promote road safety, efficiency in the motor carrier industry, and consistent safety standards across Canada.


What is NSC Audit?

The National Safety Code (NSC) Facility Audit is designed to ensure that carriers are in compliance with all applicable highway safety standards, including but not limited to those covered by the National Safety Code for Motor Carriers.



How can Pioneer Trucking Solution help you with that?

According to NSC Standard 15, a facility audit is intended to thoroughly examine a carrier’s on-highway and safety management actions. Pioneer trucking solutions® reviews commercial carriers’ safety and maintenance methods and outlines compliance standards. Each carrier’s level of compliance is reviewed, and carriers who exhibit compliance issues risk incremental penalty.

Audits are performed to verify that the carrier not only keeps the right paperwork, but also has suitable policies and procedures in place to guarantee that its employees, drivers, and units are in compliance with the regulations and functioning safely at all times. The auditor checks the carrier’s records and reports on proved compliance with the National Safety Code program’s safety requirements and relevant laws for Alberta.

Pioneer Trucking Solutions has an insight of the carrier’s level of compliance with safety code from the NSC audit report. Carriers will be audited by Carrier Services for a variety of reasons. Selection at random, too many infractions on the Carrier Profile, or even roadside complaints.


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