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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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The Benefits Of Choosing Pioneer Trucking Solutions For Commercial Truck Plates In Canada

In the Canadian trucking industry, obtaining proper commercial truck plates is crucial for operating legally and efficiently. But how exactly can truckers get or obtain commercial trucking plates?  One option is by hiring a professional services provider that can do the entire process for you.  If you’re in Calgary, you should be partnering up with […]

Important Things to Know About Audit Preparation Services

Audit preparation services are the ones that refer to all professional services which are provided to motor carriers, freight brokers, and other transportation companies to help them prepare for an upcoming audit by the Department of Transportation (DOT) or the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).  More than this, people can make use of these […]

Benefits of IRP Plates – Now Revealed

The International Registration Plan is a program that allows commercial vehicles to operate in multiple states or jurisdictions with a single registration plate. More than this, commercial vehicles with these license plates have no need to obtain multiple registrations or plates while traveling to other jurisdictions or countries. If you are a truck driver and […]

What’s Next for Electronic Logging in the Trucking Industry?

As the trucking industry continues to evolve, electronic logging devices (ELDs) have emerged as a popular solution for managing drivers’ hours of service (HOS) and ensuring compliance with regulations. However, with the widespread adoption of ELDs, the industry is facing several changes and challenges.  In this article, we’ll explore what’s next for electronic logging in […]

5 Tips For Staying Safe On The Road: A Guide for Truckers

As a trucker, you’re an essential part of the economy, transporting goods across the country and keeping businesses running smoothly.  But with great responsibility comes great risk, as navigating the highways and byways of Canada can be a perilous task. From hazardous weather conditions to distracted drivers, countless dangers can threaten your safety on the […]